Live Breastfeeding Class
This class aims to cover all you need to know to start breastfeeding; learn about the first days and weeks of breastfeeding your baby and how to continue with confidence. We explore in detail all aspects of breastfeeding and don’t shy away from talking about some of the challenges and how to overcome them.
Breastfeeding is entirely natural, but it’s also a skill that needs to be learnt. Which is why we here at Now Baby feel that our antenatal breastfeeding class is essential for all parents-to-be.
Our online class is live and interactive, from the comfort of your home – with a recording of the class sent to you, so you can revisit the advice anytime you need a refresher. As with all of our classes, there is plenty of time to get your questions answered by our expert midwives who all are trained to advise and support with breastfeeding, and their support continues long after the class ends via email and zoom if you need it.
Our breastfeeding class is ideal for parents-to-be to explore breastfeeding in the antenatal period and what options they can choose to feed their baby. There are plenty of practical and interactive examples used by our midwives to help you cut through the jargon and really understand aspects such as latching on, how to hand express milk or what positions to use when. All of our advice is evidence-based to ensure you are getting the best advice to guide you in your baby’s feeding journey.
What people say…
What you’ll learn
In our class we cover all aspects of the breastfeeding journey:
- How breastfeeding works
- Benefits of breastfeeding for mum and baby
- Antenatal colostrum harvesting
- Understanding breastmilk – how it changes and why
- The supply and demand cycle of breastmilk
- Information on what a good latch and attachment is
- Different breastfeeding positions
- The feeding cues your baby expresses
- Your baby’s appetite and how it changes over time
- How to avoid common problems
- Where and when to seek help
Breastfeeding Class – COVID UPDATES
Starting a family is an amazing experience and from the date your journey begins we will be a part of it with you. Our online breastfeeding classes will discuss the latest COVID research and advise on any sign that you should be aware of. We also regulary send email updates so after you book one of our classes your email will be the place to check for any changing information.
Advice and Tips
What is Mastitis and How is it Treated?
Coping with Twins and Multiple Births
Planning for a Caesarean Section: What Parents Need to Know
Breastfeeding Class – We love helping new parents
We know as midwives that deciding how to feed your baby is a major decision that parents-to-be need support and advice in making before their baby arrives. This is why we’ve included an antenatal breastfeeding class in our Now Baby live course, so that we can share our expertise, our knowledge and essential tips in helping you decide what is the best choice for you and your baby.
All Information found here and within our courses is devised and reviewed by our team of experts