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5 Pregnancy Myths and Old Wives Tales

5 Pregnancy Myths/Old Wives’ Tales

As soon as you announce your pregnancy, you are likely to encounter a mix of questions that seem to come from everywhere. Friends, family, and even strangers may ask when your baby is due, what it feels like to be pregnant, and if you have settled on a name yet. However, one question tends to pop up more than others: Is it a boy or a girl? The anticipation of knowing the baby’s gender can create excitement and curiosity.

Pregnancy is a remarkable process, a natural occurrence that has been happening since the beginning of humanity. With today’s technology, expecting parents can enjoy a more engaging journey. You can find out your baby’s gender through ultrasounds and even see a 3-D model of your baby before birth. In the past, however, expecting parents relied on myths and tales to guess about their babies. Old wives’ tales emerged from midwives in ancient times, and while some of these stories coincidentally proved true, many are simply entertaining fables.

Myth # 1: Eating spicy food during pregnancy will burn the baby’s eyes

Many old wives’ tales paint spicy food in a negative light. Some believe that consuming spicy dishes can lead to miscarriage, while others assert that it can cause an infant to have eye problems. Conversely, some say that eating spicy food will ensure your baby is born with a head full of hair. However, the reality is that spicy food is unlikely to have any impact on your baby’s eyes or hair. The only side effect pregnant women might typically experience from spicy foods is heartburn, which is common during pregnancy. So, enjoy that curry if it’s what you crave!

Myth # 2: Morning sickness and gender

Morning sickness is a common experience for many pregnant women, often hitting hardest in the first trimester. A popular myth suggests that the severity of morning sickness can predict the gender of your baby. According to this tale, if you experience severe morning sickness, you’re likely having a girl, whereas lighter nausea would indicate a boy. While pregnancy symptoms can vary vastly from person to person, there is no concrete evidence to support this myth. As intriguing as it sounds, it ultimately remains a tale without scientific backing.

Myth # 3: If your bump is low it’s a boy

Throughout history, many have obsessed over the shape and position of a pregnant woman’s bump. An old wives’ tale claims that if a woman has a low bump, she is having a boy, while a high bump signifies a girl. This distinction has likely been created by societal beliefs rather than any biological fact. The truth is, the shape and position of a pregnant belly can vary widely based on many factors, including the mother’s body type and the position of the baby. Thus, this myth simply does not hold water.

Myth # 4: No exercise during pregnancy

Another common misconception is that pregnant women should avoid any form of exercise. Some people believe that a woman should rest completely and keep her feet up during this time, fearing that any form of physical activity could be harmful. While it is true that extreme sports and new types of workouts should be avoided, moderate exercise is generally recommended. Activities like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga can help maintain a healthy pregnancy, reduce the risks of gestational diabetes, and potentially make labour easier if you stay fit. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help ensure that your chosen activities are safe and beneficial.

Myth # 5: Cutting or dying hair

There are also old wives’ tales concerning haircuts and hair dye during pregnancy. Some believe that making changes to one’s hair can lead to birth defects in the baby. Allegedly, cutting or dying hair can have negative impacts on the baby’s vision. However, the reality is that changing your hairstyle has no credible links to your baby’s health or development. In fact, many women enjoy changing their hair during pregnancy, and it can be a wonderful way to express themselves and feel beautiful. If you decide to dye your hair during pregnancy, always consult a professional hairdresser and let them know that you are pregnant. There are some products that should be avoided during pregnancy, particularly ones containing peroxide.

You will come across many more myths during your pregnancy journey; it helps to recognise that these tales often lack truth. What truly matters is focusing on your well-being. Pregnant life can be filled with lots of opinions and tales, but staying informed with factual information is the best approach. Enjoy this special time in your life without the burden of myths.