Tag: labour and birth
Behind The News Stories: Freebirthing

By Amina Hatia RM
There have been recent discussions in the news surrounding the choices of women and birthing people opting for unassisted or freebirth—terms used to describe the decision to give birth without the involvement of midwives, doctors, or medical professionals. This mainly happens at home or in non-medical settings, and stems from a desire for greater autonomy … Continued
February 26, 2024
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7 Subtle Signs of Labour

By Amina Hatia RM
So you have been preparing for the new arrival for months now and you are looking forward to holding your baby in your arms. Labour starts in many ways for different women - some won’t feel any contractions until their waters break and for others their waters don’t break until they are deep into their labour!
Would you notice if these 7 subtle signs of labour start happening?
November 13, 2023
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Waters Have Broken – What Now!

By Amina Hatia RM
It’s the most common way labour and birth is portrayed in films and on TV – a big gush of water, lots of screaming and a big rush to the hospital to have the baby. All very dramatic, even more so when waters in film/on TV always tend to break publicly, in the shops, at a party or surrounded by people!
In reality it’s rarely like this .......read on to find out what to expect!
September 27, 2021
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Induction of Labour – or being ‘Induced’.

By Amina Hatia RM
Labour rarely begins on your ‘estimated due date’ EDD, especially if it is your first baby. In reality your due date is probably more accurately described as a ‘due window’ – of 5 weeks, as babies are born often between 37 to 42 weeks.
In most pregnancies, labour will usually start naturally on its own within those 5 weeks, but there are times that it may need to be started artificially. This is called induced labour - to help your cervix to soften and open out and your uterus (womb) to start contracting. There are many ways this can be done .....
August 27, 2021
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How To keep Fit in Pregnancy – Running

By Amina Hatia RM
July 28, 2021
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How To keep Fit in Pregnancy – Swimming

By Amina Hatia RM
July 22, 2021
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Gas & Air ….Your Questions Answered!

By Amina Hatia RM
We’ve all heard about gas and air, often called laughing gas, being used in labour and stories of the often hilarious effects on the person using it. In fact, most films and tv shows will often portray a woman using it furiously whilst she is rushed off to have her baby.
Entonox - the medical term for gas and air, is the most popular pain relief during labour with around 80% of women choosing to use it.
June 23, 2021
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Your Hospital Bag Essentials

By Amina Hatia RM
Most of us in the third trimester will find some kind of urge to start nesting – planning, preparing and getting everything ready for baby’s arrival. One of the most common questions we as midwives are asked about is what to pack in the birth centre/hospital bag.
So read on for our top tips on how to pack your hospital bag.
June 2, 2021
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Meconium: Your Baby’s First Poo

By Amina Hatia RM
Whilst the first few hours and days after your baby’s birth can be a magical time......there are also much messier and less photogenic aspects of newborn life you’ll need to be prepared. Your baby’s first few poos fall firmly into this category – and despite not being a dinner table conversation, it’s important and actually quite fascinating!
May 26, 2021
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How to Cope with Morning Sickness

By Amina Hatia RM
We’ve all heard about morning sickness, it’s one of the common assumptions about pregnancy and the question most pregnant women get asked about when they share their pregnancy news.
However, whilst it is very common to feel sick during the first few months of pregnancy, it can have a real impact on your physical and emotional well-being if you aren’t well supported and advised on how to try and manage it.
May 20, 2021
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Healthy Eating In Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
What you eat and drink is important at any time in your life but in pregnancy it affects your baby’s health as well, both when you’re pregnant and after the birth.
It can however, be hard to try eating well if you are struggling with early pregnancy sickness and tiredness, or even later symptoms such as heartburn. Try not to worry too much if this is the case and do your best to eat a range of healthy foods every day if you can.
May 13, 2021
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Maternal Mental Health Week

By Amina Hatia RM
Maternal mental health week aims to focus on the issues of mental health that affect pregnant and new parents, which are often not discussed openly and in 2021 have been exacerbated by the pandemic.
Pregnancy and the birth of a baby is supposed to be a time of great happiness and excitement, but for many new parents-to-be, the reality can be far from this.
May 5, 2021
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