Pregnancy Week by Week
Week 13 of pregnancy.
You are now in the 13th week of your pregnancy – and whilst some may say it’s not a lucky number, in pregnancy terms it heralds the beginning of your second trimester. Just think – you are a third of the way through this amazing journey!
For some, the second trimester means those first trimester symptoms disappear and you start to feel more like yourself – your tastebuds return and that horrible metallic taste you’ve had has gone away, the nausea is thankfully a distant memory, and you just have more energy.
But that’s not the case for everyone – and we know how hard it can be to keep reading about this ‘blooming marvellous’ part of your pregnancy when you are still affected by nausea, vomiting and feel rubbish.
If this is the case for you – you don’t need to suffer alone. Get help, from your GP or your midwife. As already discussed, there are a range of treatment options and support available for you – be it for hyperemesis gravidum or still feeling very tired and dizzy.
How big is my baby?
Your darling baby is now the size of a lemon – though much sweeter and lovelier! Weighing around 25 grams, your baby now is about 7.4 centimetres from top to tiny toe.
What happens in week 13 of pregnancy?
Your now, fully developed baby is focusing on growing and learning new skills. Deep inside you, they are somersaulting, learning to move arms and legs, even sucking their tiny thumb – which is very cute, but also an important skill they will need.
Amazingly their ovaries or testes, depending in their sex have developed inside their body and externally too – though it’s yet too early too be seen on a scan.
Week 13 pregnancy symptoms
Whilst for some the early pregnancy symptoms have disappeared, you may find you have new ones to match a new trimester.
- Bleeding gums – Officially referred to as pregnancy gingivitis, sore or bleeding gums in pregnancy is an annoying but very normal symptom. It doesn’t mean you haven’t been looking after your teeth well, the soreness or bleeding is caused by hormonal changes that start in the second trimester.
This is why it’s important to keep up your regular dental checks and see your dentist if you do experience any pain or are worried. If you live in the UK, pregnant women are entitled to free dental care during pregnancy and until 1 year after your baby has been born.
- Cravings – We’ve all watched films on TV where the pregnant character is eating pickles and ice cream by the bucket-load, but craving can be a real thing in pregnancy. If your appetite has improved, or wasn’t affected much in the first trimester, you may start experiencing cravings. Whilst not everyone is affected, cravings are thought to be caused by hormonal changes due to pregnancy that cause your sense of smell and taste to be affected.
Whilst a desperate need for pickles may be funny, its important to be aware that unusual cravings in pregnancy such as wanting to eat soil or lick brick walls can be caused by a lack of iron. It’s important you let your midwife know about this because the condition – Pica can have an affect on your health if left untreated.
Week 13 pregnancy tips
- Make sure you arrange regular dental checks with your dentist to keep your pearly whites nice and healthy
- If you are feeling tired, or find you have unusual cravings, contact your midwife to discuss this – a full blood count (FBC) test carried out will highlight any iron deficiency and ensure you get the right care and treatment.
- How’s the baby journal/book going – lots of growing bump pictures to come, so spend a bit of time filling it in as a nice baby bonding exercise.
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