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As with week one of your pregnancy – you aren’t yet actually pregnant in week two – though you are getting closer to it!

What happens in week 2 of pregnancy

At this stage, your period may have ended or coming to an end, and your body is getting ready for ovulation which is when one of your ovaries releases an egg to begin the journey down one of the fallopian tubes to meet a sperm resulting in, finally, conception!  

Week 2 pregnancy symptoms

Periods & Menstrual Cycle

You won’t necessarily know all of this is happening, but there are small changes that indicate this part of the pregnancy journey is under way.  If you have been tracking your menstrual cycle, you may know when you expect to ovulate based on that information.  You can also track ovulation based on signs of ovulation – either by using tests or picking up on the subtle signs from your body.

If you want to work out when you ovulate, there are a number of things you can use to get an idea of when this is happening, starting with your menstrual cycle.  Monitoring and understanding your cycle in general is useful in understanding your body, but even more so when you are trying for a baby.

Whilst there is an average menstrual cycle length – none of us are average! So, knowing how long your cycle lasts is an important starting point.  This is because you usually ovulate around 10 to 16 days before your next period starts, so if you are aware of what is an average cycle length for you, you’ll be able to work out when you usually ovulate.

Changes in Cervical Mucus

Another good indicator is changes to your vaginal discharge – which is your cervical mucus.  During your menstrual cycle, hormonal changes that occur have an effect on the mucus that is released by your cervical glands, and you will find that the amount and consistency of your mucus changes at different points in your cycle.  When you are ovulating, you will notice that the discharge feels wetter, clearer and more slippery – what is often described as an egg white like consistency. 

Changes in Body Temperature

Other changes that you may notice are how warm you feel at different times in your cycle – your body temperature will experience a small rise once you ovulate.  By checking your temperature every day with a thermometer, you will be able to get a good idea of when you are ovulating.

Other ovulation symptoms

For some there are also other symptoms that indicate ovulation has happened – sore breasts, maybe some bloating and sometimes even a symptom called Mittelschmerz – which is a very long word to describe a pain in your abdominal area that happens for some in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It’s not clear if this is always due to ovulation – as other reasons such as gas or an upset tummy can also cause this.

These other signs however aren’t as reliable as predicting ovulation as monitoring your body temperature and cervical mucus.  You can also use ovulation predictor kits.  These home test kits are used to detect the hormone levels that increase around ovulation.

Week 2 pregnancy tips

What you can do this week

  • Rest and self-care – check in with yourself and listen to your body
  • Look for signs of ovulation
  • Sex leads to babies for most of us – so lots of time with your partner as you approach mid-cycle.
  • Keep taking your folic acid 
  • Eat well and make sure you are drinking enough water too
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