Pregnancy Week by Week
You only have 10 weeks to go now until your official estimated due date – and the next few weeks will probably pass quickly as you undergo lots of changes physically as well as to your lifestyle such as getting ready for the big day ahead – whenever that may be!
It’s important to remember that your EDD is exactly that – just an estimation, not a definite – babies are all unique and will come when they are ready rather than a date given as an approximation – evidence suggests that only 4% of babies arrive on their due date!
So long as you are well and healthy and your baby is growing as expected, there is no reason to worry about going past your due date – a normal term pregnancy is anytime between 37 – 42 weeks, so going past or being born before is not an issue or a problem so long as you and baby are well.
Plan something nice for yourself on your due date – a meal out, a trip to the cinema, a pedicure / manicure, meeting up with friends or a shopping trip for non-essentials. It’ll help take the focus off the date itself, which will make you feel more relaxed and less anxious and more open to all those birth hormones than if you are sitting around waiting for any sign of labour starting. And if baby decides not to make an appearance, at least you’ve had a nice treat / pampered yourself.
How big is my baby at 30 weeks?
Your 30-week baby is now measuring nearly 40 centimetres tall inside you – so really starting to stretch out! Baby is also putting on weight and is now about 1.3 kilograms – about the size and weight of a large cabbage!
What happens in week 30 of pregnancy?
At week 30, your baby is continuing to get ready for life with you – and this week the lovely, soft, downy lanugo that has covered your baby and kept them warm and cosy starts to disappear as your baby gets better at regulating their body temperature. Don’t worry, it’ll fall off gradually – and some babies are born even at term with some lanugo which falls off in the first few weeks after birth.
Another big change is that your baby’s production of red blood cells have now been taken over by baby’s bone marrow from the spleen that has been producing them until now.
Week 30 pregnancy symptoms
Varicose veins – Varicose veins can affect anyone but aren’t uncommon in pregnancy. If you have them you’ll know them better as veins, often in your legs, that have become swollen. Whilst they can cause discomfort, and maybe another change you’d rather not have, they aren’t harmful. Varicose veins can also occur in the opening to your vagina – called the vulva too.
Having varicose veins won’t impact your baby or cause issues during birth, even if you have varicose veins in your vulva, as they only have a low amount of blood flowing through them.
However, it’s important to let your midwife know if you have varicose veins so that they can advise you on self-care tips and be able to advise you on any extra care during birth if needed.
You’ll probably be advised to avoid being on your feet for too long or sitting with your legs crossed. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on weight gain, as this can increase pressure in your legs. Try sitting or sleeping with your legs elevated up as often as you can to relieve the discomfort. Exercise, walking, swimming or even just foot exercises can all also help.
You can also try using compression socks or tights, which either your midwife will give you, or you can buy yourself online or from a local chemist to help ease symptoms.
Week 30 pregnancy tips
- How are your feet coping with the third trimester – you’re probably finding by the end of the day your feet are aching and you are getting slightly swollen ankles. Try doing a few daily foot exercises – it won’t take you long and can be done when you are standing or sitting down. Try bending and then stretching each foot in an up and down motion for about 30 times. It may also help to rotate your feet in a circular motion 8 times clockwise and then 8 times anti-clockwise.
- Reflexology is a foot massage where different parts of your foot correspond to another part of your body. Reflexology can be very relaxing in pregnancy and be really helpful in reducing any stress too. It’s essential that you only use a reflexology therapist who is trained and qualified to work with pregnant people.
- Keep up your water intake too – this will also help relieve any swelling around your feet and ankles and help with other pregnancy related issues such as dehydration, feeling tired or headaches.
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