Pregnancy Week by Week
You are now well into the 8th month of your pregnancy and must be feeling like the end is finally in sight! You’re still maybe 5 or more weeks to go but may even be holding your baby in your arms in 2 weeks’ time. Remember babies rarely arrive on their due date – a term pregnancy is anytime between 37 and 42 weeks, so don’t be too focused on one date – your baby will come when they are ready.
You may also now be either starting maternity leave or planning on taking it very soon. Use the time off before baby arrives to practice self-care for yourself. Gentle exercise – long walks with plenty of breaks to sit and nip to the loo can help with your emotional and physical wellbeing – fresh air, getting out of the house, moving more will help with your sleep patterns, with any achy joints and also in encouraging your baby to move down into the pelvis.
It’s also a great time to fit all those catch ups with friends and family – take the leisurely lunches whilst you have freedom to do so – babies rarely allow such events to happen!
How big is my baby at 35 weeks?
By the end of this week your baby will be measuring roughly about 46 centimetres from top to toe in length, about the size of a honeydew melon. Baby is getting heavier too, weighing about 2.5 kilograms.
What happens in week 35 of pregnancy?
By 35 weeks the amniotic fluid around your baby which they have been floating around in will start to reduce very gently. You won’t feel the difference much in terms of your bump size, which should still be measuring the same as how many weeks you are pregnant (so around 35cms if you are 35 weeks), but you may feel baby’s movements more intensely.
Your baby’s movements should still be the same though – you will know what baby’s pattern of movements are and when they usually move. If you notice any changes in your baby’s movements – not moving when they usually do or think they have slowed down or changed at all, you need to be checked by your maternity team straight away. Don’t wait for the next day or even later that evening – get in touch using the number you have been given, explain what is happening and go in to have a check to ensure all is well.
Most of your baby’s basic physical development is now almost complete. Their kidneys are fully functioning, and the liver is starting to process waste products too. The next few weeks ahead are focused on growing and putting on weight.
Week 35 pregnancy symptoms
Braxton Hicks contractions – are the name used to refer to uterine tightening that you feel in late pregnancy. These are practice contractions that your body is doing in preparation for labour and giving birth. You may be worrying why your body needs to practice contractions, but the purpose is to tone the muscles in your uterus and help prepare for birth.
It’s important to bear in mind that Braxton Hicks contractions are not a sign of labour and they do not cause labour to start. It’s understandable to worry about how to know the difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and the contractions in actual labour but worry not – you will know.
Braxton Hicks contractions are different to labour contractions because they are irregular and rarely last longer than 30 seconds. Whilst they may feel uncomfortable, they usually aren’t painful.
Week 35 pregnancy tips
- Breathing exercises are a great way of preparing for labour and birth, but also help you feel more relaxed and less stressed. Deep abdominal breathing has a whole host of benefits – so start practising now.
- If you are unsure what deep breathing means and why it can help – check out our antenatal class on mind and body preparation. Our midwives take you through a range of breathing exercises as well as advice on how to prepare for labour and birth. As an integral part of our signature antenatal course, it’s a great way of helping to find out what works best for you.
- Have you thought of how you are bringing baby home from the hospital or birth centre? – If you are planning on using a car, taxi, or bus to come in you will need a car seat legally to bring baby home in. There are many options, so do your research on which kind of seat suits you, your car and your family the best.
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