Pregnancy Week by Week
This is the week that you’ve probably had, or are just about to have, your first midwife booking in appointment and probably wondering what happens next. Your booking in appointment starts off your antenatal care and ensures that you and your baby’s health and well-being is monitored and supported throughout your pregnancy.
Your antenatal care will follow a schedule based upon on your own induvial needs. Whilst it may seem like a lot of appointments and checks, regular antenatal care is there to make sure that your midwife/doctor can identify and treat any complications that may occur whilst also supporting you in having a healthy and happy pregnancy.
How big is my baby?
Your darling baby is now the size of lovely cherry – growing every day and developing in amazing intricate detail. At around 22mm big, your baby is forming eyelids to protect their eyes, which have a little colour in them! Baby’s mouth and tongue are now formed – complete with taste buds – imagine that!
Even more amazingly, your baby’s fingers and toes now have little ridges on them – even though the hands and feet are still webbed.
Around nine weeks is when your baby’s genitals start forming too – you won’t be able to see this on an ultrasound for many weeks yet – if ever (some babies are very shy and like hiding even when much bigger!).
What happens in week 9 of pregnancy?
This time, in between having had your first appointment and before your dating/combined screening scan can feel like being a bit in limbo. You are pregnant, you’ve seen a midwife and discussed your pregnancy outside of you and your partner / family / friends, you’ve got a set of maternity notes making everything feel more ‘official’, you may or may not have pregnancy symptoms – but you’ve yet to start showing a bump or have seen your baby.
You’re not alone in this – many others feel the same – especially if you are waiting until after your first scan to announce the news to others. It can also be quite a lonely and worrying time, if you’ve been affected by tiredness, pregnancy sickness and nausea or been worried about your pregnancy – it can be really isolating if you haven’t shared with many people and the next 31 weeks ahead can feel a lifetime away.
It’s really important to acknowledge and talk to people about how you are feeling. Discuss with your partner, those family/friends you have shared your news with already – or your GP too. Your mental health and wellbeing in pregnancy is important and it’s normal to feel a range of emotions too. Your early pregnancy hormones like oestrogen and progesterone are partly responsible for the highs and lows, but so is the effect of your changing body, the impact on your life and relationships as well as practical concerns such as work and finance.
Taking time out to focus on yourself helps, as does being able to prepare ahead.
Week 9 pregnancy symptoms
Tiredness – Nine weeks is when your pregnancy hormone – human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) really peaks in your pregnancy. This, along with the possible previous weeks of tiredness and pregnancy sickness may leave you feeling fed up, extra sensitive and having very intense symptoms. Rest up, give yourself a break and ask for help – fingers crossed in a few weeks, you’ll start to feel better.
Extra saliva or runny nose – You may also find interesting new symptoms – such as extra saliva in your mouth caused by those pesky hormones, or a stuffy, bunged up nose. In pregnancy, the blood flow increases to areas of mucous membranes, such as your nose. This causes swellings which can lead to you having a stuffy or runny nose – so keep some tissues handy!
Week 9 pregnancy tips
- Lots of changes happening – so make sure you are eating enough and resting too
- Start planning when and how you are going to share the news with others
- Self-care – if you have been feeling rough and not eating/drinking much, you may find your skin and hair is affected. Take time out to pamper yourself a little – a face mask to relax with or a conditioning hair treatment can help you feel a little more human!
- Think about what you need – a wellbeing plan or even just an idea of where your support networks are.
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