Module 3 Labour and Birth
Our labour and birth process class, delves into what happens during the birthing process. The live, interactive and online class focuses on supporting you expanding your knowledge and understanding of labour and birth – from how you view labour, to the emotional and physical impact of the changes your body goes through.
During the class our experienced midwives, who are passionate about ensuring you feel ready, supported and prepared for labour and birth, exploring the different stages of labour, what happens to your body, how you can be supported in each stage and what options for you may be offered.
As midwives we know that labour and birth can be hard to plan for, but we believe strongly that being prepared will help you feel empowered and confident in your body and your birth. We discuss honestly and openly with you how each aspect of labour – such as pre-labour or the latent phase may feel, the impact it may have in you and practical, real life examples of how to manage each stage.
Active birth, what positions can help at different points and why, how to help your baby and the birthing process with movement and exercises are discussed in detail.
All aspects of labour and birth are explored so that you can decide what feels right for you and prepare a birth plan that meets your needs. We will explore during this class:
- Birth pathway and how that might look
- Different stages of childbirth
- How to tell if you may be in labour
- Latent & active phases
- The second stage and how it may feel
- Transition of childbirth and how impacts you
- Third stage of childbirth and how it can be managed
- Current practices such as delayed cord clamping
Taught by NHS midwives
Our midwives have extensive experience working in the NHS and private sector to provide you with bespoke one-to-one care and support.