Caesarean Section Birth Prep Course
These highly informative but non overwhelming sessions will leave you feeling informed and ready to have your baby, whether or not you are planning to have a caesarean.
An explanation of what you will asked to consent to in both planned and emergency caesareans.
Everything you need to know to enable you to feel empowered and educated to make the best choices for you.
You may need to add a few more bits for a slightly longer stay in hospital. Our midwife will talk you through everything you will need.
Our midwife and doctor will take you through what to expect when you arrive at the hospital, knowing what to expect will help you feel more at ease and in control!
Giving birth via caesarean is very different to a vaginal birth, not just the birth itself but the recovery too.
Prepare for the postnatal period by listening to our midwife and doctor discuss self care and recovery after the birth.
All you need to know about what to expect for the next few weeks

Caesarean Section Prep Course
This course is perfect for anyone planning a caesarean birth or those wanting to be prepared in the event of an unplanned one. You’ll learn how to prepare practically and mentally, understand the procedure and ways that you can make your experience a positive one. Using the information you learn within this course, you’ll finish feeling informed and ready to have your baby.
Course leader
Taught by Dr Michelle Robinson, an experienced obstetric doctor who has helped a vast number of people welcome their babies into the world via caesarean, along with midwife Marley Hall, an experienced midwife who has also attended a vast number of caesareans. All the questions you have surrounding caesarean births are covered.
What you will learn
Jam packed full of information about caesareans, you’ll learn about: What a caesarean is, why they may be recommended, requesting a caesarean for non medical reasons, the decision making process, what you might need to bring with you on the day, what happens when you arrive at the hospital, what to do if you go into labour before a planned caesarean, how your birth partner can support you, anaesthesia and what happens in the theatre, immediate recovery in hospital, caring for your baby after a caesarean, going home, caring for yourself in the days and weeks after a caesarean
Practical Preparation
Giving birth via caesarean is very different to a vaginal birth, not just the birth itself but the recovery too. Prepare for the postnatal period by listening to our midwife and doctor discuss self care and recovery after the birth.

Taught by qualified NHS professionals
Our experts have extensive experience working in the NHS and private sector to provide you with the best bespoke one-to-one care and support.