Hypnobirthing Classes
Class agenda:
Hello & Welcome
What is Hypnobirthing?
A Quick Story
What is a Positive Birth?
Class agenda:
Factors That Can Affect The Birth Experience
Understanding The Mind
How The Uterus and Cervix Work Together
Birth Hormones
Fear, Tension, Pain
Birth Language
The Unbendable Arm Exercise
Class agenda:
Breathing for Birth
The Countdown Visualisation
Guided Meditations
Gentle Touch Massage
Class agenda:
What is Informed Choice
What is Informed Consent
The B.R.A.I.N Acronym
Class agenda:
Diet & Exercise
Perineal Massage
Optimal Foetal Positioning
Class agenda:
The Birth Environment
Am I in Labour?
Early Labour
The Down Stage (The Birth Of the Baby)
Optimal Cord Clamping
The Up Stage (established Labour)

The Nowbaby Hypnobirthing Course
Nowbaby designed this course to support you to keep calm and relaxed, to breathe and to ‘enjoy’ your birth. It is designed to fill you with knowledge about the birth process, fill you with confidence, eliminate fear and to support you through the intensity of the surges (contractions).
Course leader
This programme is instructed by Marley Hall (Midwife Marley) who is a leading UK midwife, author, speaker, hypnobirthing expert and mother of 5. The knowledge you will gain from the course will help you to make your own informed decisions about your birth and provide you will a range of tools that you can practice with at home in preparation for the day you will meet your baby. The crucial techniques essential to hypnobirthing include guided meditations, visualisations, breathing and several others that you practise at home.
What you will learn
In addition to these techniques, you learn about the normal physiology of birth, setting the environment, the role of the birth partner, preparing your body for the big day, making informed decisions and much more. Once you piece this all together as you go through the course, you will be well on your way to having a real positive experience that you can look forward to.
Hypnobirthing methods are traditionally used for those who are working towards having an unmedicated natural birth but the truth is, being able to get yourself into a relaxed, calm and confident state during any birth, whether that be an induction, an assisted birth or even a c-section, will have a positive effect on both you and your baby.

Taught by a qualified NHS professional
Midwife Marley has extensive experience working in the NHS and private sector to provide you with the best bespoke one-to-one care and support.