Just Pregnant

Just Pregnant
60 minute free class brought to you in association with Joie.
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Appointment schedules, what happens during appointments & different care providers
When ultrasounds are offered, why they are offered.
Different types of antenatal screening.
Foods to eat and those to avoid.
Effect of vitamins on the body during pregnancy, development of the unborn baby.
Immunisations offered during pregnancy.
Importance of exercise & types of exercise to take during pregnancy.
Development through the trimesters.
Support during early pregnancy, Early Pregnancy Unit.

Just pregnant …..
The ‘Just pregnant’ session will focus upon supporting and providing advice for women and birthing people who have just found out they are pregnant. During a 1 hour session we will cover what to expect in the first and second trimester and what to expect of their antenatal care.
Course leaders
This class is jointly presented by our two lead midwives … Marley Hall & Amina Hatia. between them they have 40 years of midwifery experience and 9 babies, including twins! Their experience and expert support will help guide you through the first trimester leaving you knowledgeable, re assured and empowered at the start of your journey to parenthood.
Why choose this course?
Pregnant people can sometimes feel a little lost after finding out they are pregnant – aside from a booking appointment with a midwife at 8-10 weeks and then a scan at around 12 weeks, there are few other opportunities to ask questions, get advice and find out further information on health and well-being.
What you will learn
During this session we will cover in detail what to expect right from the start of your antenatal care, what happens at scans and what choices there are, as well as explore in detail diet, nutrition, the importance of vitamin supplements such as folic acid and vitamin D, exercise, what signs and symptoms to look out for as well as baby’s development and common early pregnancy issues such as pregnancy sickness and tiredness.
The session allows the newly pregnant person to understand the changes that are happening, explore their care options as well as learn vital information on keeping well and healthy in pregnancy.

Taught by qualified NHS professionals
Our experts have extensive experience working in the NHS and private sector to provide you with the best bespoke one-to-one care and support.