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Pregnancy & Birth Prep Course

You’ll gain a wealth of knowledge surrounding pregnancy, your journey to labour, how to prepare your mind as well as your body. What to expect during and after labour as well as preparing for the unexpected!
What Is Covered In The Course
You will be given access to 29 lessons including a mixture of videos and practical resources led by Midwife. Learn at your own pace, rewatch, revise, revisit whenever you need to. Our course will help to provide you with all the essential information you need to help you have an informed, calm and confident journey to parenthood.

Antenatal appointments & ultrasounds, diet in pregnancy, self care in pregnancy, complications of pregnancy & informed choice & consent

What affects the birth experience, birth place choices, birth bag, birth preferences, the impact of hormones on labour, the birth zone

Optimal fetal position, the miles circuit, signs leading up to labour, am I in labour?

The first stage of labour, the second stage of labour, transitional labour, the third stage of labour, skin to skin, newborn examination, birth partners, labour & birth positions

When labour is slow or stalls, induction of labour, caesarean, assisted births (RCOG)

Its a huge adjustment to take in, Midwife Marley will give you help and advise based on professionalism & personal experience

How to look after your little one over the following days and weeks

Course Overview

This comprehensive course takes you through pregnancy, exploring things like choosing your care provider, antenatal appointments and ultrasound scans, diet, self care, choices, decision making and complications.

Course Leader

Marley Hall is an experienced midwife and mother of 5, including twins. Over her 13 years experience as a midwife, she has helped thousands of families adjust to their new life as parents. Her personal experience and professional knowledge make her the perfect course leader.

What you will learn

Our course modules go into detail on preparing for birth, creating your birth environment, birth preferences, birth bags, birth physiology. Getting baby into an optimal position, signs of labour. The stages of labour and birth. Special circumstances such as assisted births and induction of labour.

If you have a birth partner, share the course with them too as they will have an important part to play in your experience.
The course includes a number of downloads to support you including a birth bag list, birth preferences template and much more.
We have left no stone uncovered in this course, ensuring that you complete it feeling informed and ready!

Be informed

Learn how to prepare both practically and emotionally, and become empowered with knowledge to make the best choices for you and your baby.

Taught by a qualified NHS Professional

Midwife Marley has extensive experience working in the NHS and private sector to provide you with the best bespoke one-to-one care and support.

Marley Hall BA RM Diphe
Associate Midwife

Loved By Our Customers

Wonderfully informative and well presented. You clearly love your job and have such a passion for it. Thank you.
A very informative and helpful course. The midwife was friendly and engaging. I’d definitely recommend it to other expectant mums!
It was a really good class. Very informative and good to hear. You cover multiple points and explained the pain relief clearly.