Terms & Conditions
NowBaby – Refund Policy
NowBaby provides online interactive antenatal classes using video conferencing technology. Once a booking is confirmed, refunds will be given only under the following circumstances:
- If, for technical reasons, a participant cannot join a scheduled conference call.
Under these circumstances every effort will be made to assist with the technical issue and book the participant on an equivalent class at a different time.
2. Should a participant be unable to join a class due to illness or incapacity and an alternative date cannot be found.
Please note that we are unable to provide refunds for late logins to a class.
In accordance with The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, you have the right to cancel within a 14 day cooling-off period prior to your first class. All cancellation requests must be made in writing. If you decide to cancel a course or individual class within the 14 day cooling-off period, we will process the refund as soon as possible but in any case within 14 days of the day you have given notice of your cancellation. In this case, we will refund all the course or class fees that have been paid.
To contact our helpdesk please call 0333 121 0230 or email helpline@nowbaby.co.uk
Changing your class/course dates
Should a participant be unable to attend a class at the booked time, every effort will be made to find an alternative time for the equivalent class. Please either call 0333 121 0230 or email helpline@nowbaby.co.uk
Disclaimer of Liability
To the extent permissible by law, www.nowbaby.co.uk and Baby TV Limited assumes no responsibility for information published on this site and disclaims all liability in respect of such information. www.Nowbaby.co.uk and Baby TV Limited is not liable for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a result of any actual or alleged libellous statements, infringements of intellectual property or privacy rights, or product liability, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise, including without limitation, from any use or operation of any ideas, instructions, procedures, products or methods contained in the material published on the site www.nowbaby.co.uk and Baby TV Limited does not warrant that the information published on the site is accurate or free from error Information published within the site is intended solely for the purpose of providing general information. The information is not intended to be nor is it to be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice relative to a specific medical condition or question. ALWAYS seek the advice of your doctor for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. You agree to accept the application of English law to govern matters between Baby TV and yourself.
Course Content
Our antenatal courses are taught by qualified, practicing midwives who give general educational advice about pregnancy, childbirth and new baby care.
Individual particular advice on your own current pregnancy and wellbeing cannot be given under any circumstances and clients must take queries about their own personal health or pregnancy to their Community Midwife, GP, Obstetrician or other appropriate health professional.
The course has been designed to be up to date and factually correct at the time of teaching and to represent the current accepted professional standards with regard to general maternity advice.
The course has been designed as a supplement to the information, advice and general instruction offered by NHS Trusts. All course material provided is for general information purposes only and should not under any circumstances be construed in any way as being particular individual medical advice or instruction.
With the exception of our prescribed course materials, any views, opinions or information expressed or provided by our freelance midwives are not the views, opinions or information of NowBaby and we will not be responsible or liable for such views, opinions or information.
Featured Products
- Although all advertising is expected to conform to the appropriate advertising standards, inclusion of such material in this site does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of any products or of the claims made for them by the manufacturer. Users are advised to verify product information with the manufacturer.
Traffic data
We may provide aggregate statistics about our sales, customers, traffic patterns and other site information to third parties, but these statistics will not include any information that could personally identify you.
Please note and read our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use
This policy was updated 1st September 2020